Saturday, April 15, 2006

Anyone like Flckr?

Well I recently got an email from one of my loyal viewers.. Basically he had thrown a new blog togeather and as a fiercely loyal reader of mine wanted to exchange links. I of course being the smuthound (out of interest for you all of course) that I am decided to take a look. Of course "Ace Man" as he calls himself has a particular fetish. The same one we all do. Lithe young men in all states of undress. He has culled some of the finer specimens from Flickr and lain them out for our perusal.

I'm gonna throw him into my permanent link collection, his blog looks like its going somewhere~

So guys go give ACE a try!
Gayer Mechanic Wales

PS whats with the name? He says hes a yank, but the title is Wales...

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